Memory Matters Associates have contributed to the development, operations, and documentation of many regional, national, and international memorial and museum projects.
They have served variously as jury members, advisers, architects, designers, project managers, curators, executive leaders, board members, and scholars teaching about and chronicling the creation of these projects, the challenges accompanying their realization, and the predictable stages encountered in the complex and sensitive process of memorializing and documenting traumatic history.
"Of all the museums I have visited around the globe, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum is one of the most impactful museums for me."
Dean Phelus, Editor-in-Chief, Museum magazine
National & International Projects
Parque de la Memora (Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism, Memory Park - National Memorial to the Desaparacidos), Buenos Aires
Monument national de l'Holocauste (National Holocaust Monument), Ottawa
Musée-mémorial du terrorisme (Museum and Memorial of Terrorism project), Paris
The Berlin Holocaust Memorial
10 August Memory and Learning Center, Al-Noor Mosque, Bærum
22.juli-senteret (22 July Center), Government Centre, Oslo
Arkivet, Peace and Human Rights Centre, Kristiansand
Falstad Centre and “Democracy Meets Nazism” exhibition at Falstad Centre, Ekne
“July 22 and the Negotiation of Memory” project, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim
Hegnhuset Memorial and Learning Centre, Utøya island, Hole
“Hjemme. Borte. (Home. Away.), Holocaust in Trondheim 1940-45” exhibition, Jewish Museum, Trondheim
“Soviet Prisoners of War” exhibition, Norwegian Defense Museum, Oslo
Lugar de la Memoria Museum (Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion), Lima
United Kingdom Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, London
Flight 93 National Memorial, Shanksville, Pennsylvania
National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, Arlington, Virginia
National September 11 Memorial & Museum, New York City
Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC
Local and Regional Projects
Boston, Massachusetts:
The New England Holocaust Memorial
New York, New York:
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust and the Garden of Stones
Chicago, Illinois:
Zell Holocaust Memorial, Spertus Museum of Judaica
Honolulu, Hawaii:
Pearl Harbor National Memorial - USS Arizona and Battleship Missouri Memorials
Projects — in progress
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
San Francisco, California
Stockholm, Sweden
Tree of Life Synagogue and Memorial
Jewish Family and Children’s Services Holocaust Center
Sveriges museum om Förintelsen (Swedish Holocaust Museum)
Las Vegas, Nevada:
1 October Memorial
Battlefield Sites
Lexington and Concord
Little Bighorn
The Alamo